Friday, December 31, 2010

Out With the Old.....

As we wind down 2010, and look ahead to 2011, I wanted to take care of one of my several loose ends from the past year.Back in July, I met a guy named John on the D train. He had tattooed arms and we chatted a bit. He said he'd send me photos and he did a few weeks later.I never...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Carpa e Dragão, São Paulo

"Queria Saber qual o valor para fazer uma tatuagem cobrindo a perna toda, do joelho até o fim da canela.São dois desenhos e uma letra, queria misturar os dois desenhos que vi e gostei; é uma carpa, um dragão e uma letra japonesa significado sabedoria .Seria essa carpa da primeira...

A Bright Spot in December: A Phoenix and a Pin-Up

As one would expect, inkspotting is tough during December. Here we are at the end of the month, and I have only interviewed three people since the 1st. There were a few times over the summer when I interviewed three contributors during my lunch hour!The last person whose...

Photos Beautiful Meet Meghana Raj Professional Dancer


Release Lara Dutta figure display at her Yoga DVD Fitness


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Two-for-Tattoosday, Brazilian-Style

Sometimes, due to a) a language barrier and b) the passage of time, we're not always able to give you the most in-depth story about our subjects' tattoos.Such is the case with Celso and Reginaldo, who I met back in September outside of Madison Square Garden.Both gentlemen...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Natalie Maines Back & Foot Tattoos

Natalie Maines is an American singer-songwriter and member of country group the Dixie Chicks.Natalie Maines is known to have three tattoos, including a star with two banners and names, located on the back of her neck.The singer also has a small design on her right ankle, accompanied...

Photos South Movie Spicy Actress Madhulika


Special Two Tone Style Wedding Ring

Special Two Tone Style Wedding R...

Sexy Pinay Actress Denise Laurel
