Rob Lowe is an American actor, known for his role in movies including Tommy Boy, Wayne's World and The Outsiders.Rob Lowe has a single visible tattoo, which is rumored to have started as a heart, and then later with additional artwo...
Occasionally in my wanderings, I will meet not just tattooed people, but tattoo practitioners, and often those visiting from outside of New York City.So it was no surprise, when I approached a gentleman across the street from where I work, at 31st and 7th, to learn that I...
Courtney Love is an American singer-songwriter, musician and actress, known as the lead singer and guitarist of rock band Hole.Courtney Love has a smattering of tattoos on her body, including an angel and two hearts on her back right shoulder, several small cherry blossoms on...
In college we had a game room at the Student Union.I claimed to be a master at Arkanoid, but would occasionally play pinball. Earthshaker was fun, but there was another, carnival-themed game that would often beckon, "Ride the Cyclone!" It was, naturally, called The Cyclone.Fast...
I met Nadya one afternoon in the beginning of October in Borders on Penn Plaza.She shared this tattoo, which covered up a date she had initially inscribed on her arm:Nadya told me that she wanted something "girly".What I found most interesting about this tattoo is that when...
An inaguration of great artist pankaj parashar's painting exhibition conducted in mumbai resently the actress Dia Mirza has participate and makes pretty picture herself. Sanjay dutt and her wife Manyaata dutt on their way to join in and evening show at mumbai...
In honor of the holiday, I am sharing this, my newest tattoo, located above my knee on my right thigh:This was done at Hand of Glory in Brooklyn yesterday as part of the shop's $75 Thanksgiving Tattoo Special and was sponsored by Troll Skin, produced by Skin Actives Scientific.For...
Bollywood Actress Dusky beauty Shilpa shetty spent her first Anniversery at her flat worlds tallest building in dubai.This apartment is the gift for her first anniversary given by Raj.Shilpas dubai trip was cancelled due to she is not well on that d...
I met Mari in front of Madison Square Garden on a sunny day in October. How could I not stop and ask her about this tattoo?Mari explained that this is an Ananda prayer, that her friends were meditating on it for a week.The text, which is attributed to Sri Paramhansa Yogananda,...
I met Julia briefly in a Hudson News in Penn Station.The flash of color on her foot caught my eye:Julia explained that she is a visual artist that likes to do pin-up illustrations. This particular design she wanted to be transformed into a tattoo. She brought it to Morgan Reed...