Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kristen's Trilogy of Knots

The 34th Street Platform for the A Train has been very kind to us here at Tattoosday, even more so this summer than in years' past.Take Kristen, for example. She generously offered up this small portion of her corporeal canvas:Estimating that she is at least a quarter covered...

2010 Special Wedding Dress Satin Smooth

2010 Special Wedding Dress Satin Smo...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Bloggiversary to Me!

Three years ago today, Tattoosday was born.On July 31, 2007, I put up a post on BillyBlog, featuring a tattoo on a co-worker named Sephora.The idea was to post a weekly tattoo on Tuesday, and use this is a vehicle to expand my horizons a bit; meet interesting people and learn...

The Norton Cafe Commando Modification

The Norton Cafe Commando Modification.....................

Ducati Marlboro Team MotoGP

Ducati Marlboro Team MotoGPDucati Marlboro MotorcycleDucati Marlboro Pos...

Fiat Yamaha Galleries

Fiat Yamaha GalleriesFiat Yamaha Team in MotoGPFiat Yamaha Wallpa...

1984 Honda Astrea 800 - Cooper Modification

1985 Honda Astrea 800 Cooper Modification1984 Honda Astrea 800Motor : Honda Astrea 800 1984 (Jakarta - Indonesia)Pemilik/Modifikator : Antonius ChandraFotografer : Yudi Motor P...

Yamaha RX king Cool Modified

Yamaha RX king Cool ModifiedYamaha RX king - Gambar ModifikasiYamaha RX king Cool Modified Detailed specifications:Custom Body:Custom Duck Tail:Custom Rear Body:Body Paint: pearl white body & cyralicCustom Paint Interior: Chassis them, swing arm, front of the machine &...

1973 BMW R75/5

1973 BMW R75/51973 BMW R75/5 - Old Classic MotorcyclesIn overview of various fuel tanks available for classic BMW motorcycles: R75/5, R60/5, R50/5.BMW motorcycle, standard tank, toaster tank, chrome panel, blank tank, R75/5, R60/5, R5...

1974 Ducati 750 Sport

1974 Ducati 750 Sport1974 Ducati 750 Sport - Classic and vintage motorcycleEvery few months, a vintage motorcycle comes along that stops me in my tracks. It’s happened again with this custom 1974 Ducati 750 Sport.Ducati 750 Sport | Bike EXIF | Classic motorcycles, custom motorcycles...

Thora Birch Feet

Thora Birch feet pictures, Thora Birch legs, Thora Birch toes, Thora Birch barefoot and shoes.Thora Birch is a cute talented American actress, known for her role in the movie American Beauty and Ghost Wor...

Thora Birch Feet

Thora Birch feet pictures, Thora Birch legs, Thora Birch toes, Thora Birch barefoot and shoes.Thora Birch is a cute talented American actress, known for her role in the movie American Beauty and Ghost Wor...

Thora Birch Feet

Thora Birch feet pictures, Thora Birch legs, Thora Birch toes, Thora Birch barefoot and shoes.Thora Birch is a cute talented American actress, known for her role in the movie American Beauty and Ghost Wor...

Thora Birch Feet

Thora Birch feet pictures, Thora Birch legs, Thora Birch toes, Thora Birch barefoot and shoes.Thora Birch is a cute talented American actress, known for her role in the movie American Beauty and Ghost Wor...

Thandie Newton Feet

Thandie Newton feet pictures, Thandie Newton legs, Thandie Newton toes, Thandie Newton barefoot and shoes.Thandie Newton is a lovely English actress, known for her work in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness and Mission: Impossible ...

Thandie Newton Feet

Thandie Newton feet pictures, Thandie Newton legs, Thandie Newton toes, Thandie Newton barefoot and shoes.Thandie Newton is a lovely English actress, known for her work in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness and Mission: Impossible ...

Thandie Newton Feet

Thandie Newton feet pictures, Thandie Newton legs, Thandie Newton toes, Thandie Newton barefoot and shoes.Thandie Newton is a lovely English actress, known for her work in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness and Mission: Impossible ...

Thandie Newton Feet

Thandie Newton feet pictures, Thandie Newton legs, Thandie Newton toes, Thandie Newton barefoot and shoes.Thandie Newton is a lovely English actress, known for her work in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness and Mission: Impossible ...