Monday, November 30, 2009

Raquel Gibson


Christmas Wedding Flowers

Leading up to Christmas is filled with all sorts of activities, organizing food, presents, flowers, holiday accommodation. Is the spare room ready for guests? Yes it is chaotic and the list is endless.Yet it can be exhilarating when you and your partner decide to marry at...

Dream Destination Wedding in a Puerto Vallarta Villa

Every woman dreams of her wedding at some exotic destination with beautiful white sand beaches, pristine clear waters, magnificent Villa and surrounded by her close ones. If you thought this is just a dream then you could not be more wrong. You can have your wedding with great...

The Tattoosday Book Review: 7 Tattoos

First and foremost, let me clear something up: 7 Tattoos by Peter Trachtenberg is a memoir and is not a book about tattoos. Oh, there are tattoos within, and stories about them and how they were obtained. But tattoos help form the context of the story within, and the ink is...

Wedding Cake Design for Gay

WEDDING CAKESWedding Cake Design for GayThis is an example of wedding cake design with a strange style and rarely encountered. Why? Because this cake has a design for marriage for gays. Above cakes can you know there are a couple of accessories of the same type. Maybe wedding...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Brad Pitt Tattoos

Checkout the tattoos of international Hollywood super stud actor and husband to follow actress Angelina Jolie, Mr. Brad Pitt.Brad Pitt has four tattoos which we know of, including an outline tattoo on his left forearm of Ötzi the Iceman, aka Frozen Fritz and Similaun Man.Brad...

The Wedding Cake of Many Combinations Designs

WEDDING CAKESThe Wedding Cake of Many Combinations DesignsA wedding cake that incorporates several design characteristics of the cake in a package cake level. Make a wedding cake has become interesting and a lot of choice for guests who come to your wedding. Someone will feel...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cody's Eagle Braves the Storm

On the day after Thanksgiving, I was passing through Penn Station and I spotted this tattoo:This depiction of an eagle flying through a storm belongs to Cody, who was in town visiting from Key West, Florida.This symbol of strength and courage enduring the dangers of a powerful...

The Wedding Cake Classic and Unique with the Degree

The Wedding Cake Classic and Unique with the DegreeYou may rarely see anything to see a wedding cake with a classic design and striking with the degree. Decorated with shapes and colors are not so good between the brown and blue, with accessories that are used for extra decorations...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Wedding Cake in the design of Roller Coaster

WEDDING CAKESWedding Cake in the design of Roller CoasterThe Roller Coaster Wedding Cake. Roller Coaster an exciting game and great. So what if the ideas and styles made for the Roller Coaster wedding cake design. Surely that sort of a crazy idea, but according to some it is...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

50 Cent Tattoos

Lets have a look at the tattoos of gangster rap artist and founder of G Unit, 50 Cent.50 Cent (Curtis James Jackson III) has several tattoos, in fact, probably enough to fill an entire tattoo art gallery.50 has “Love & Hate" tattooed in bold underneath his belly button,...

Tay's Angel Reminds Him of a Battle Won

There are many things to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. I know that may cliché , but at its core, there is the kernel of truth. All it takes to remember this is to cross paths with someone who has overcome the odds to prevail in life.Yesterday I met Tay in the Borders on Penn...

Amazing Wedding Dresses for Perfect Marriage

Amazing Wedding Dresses for Perfect MarriageWedding dresses are perfect and beautiful. It is desired by many of the bride. Because they want a perfection and beauty that will enchant the groom. Slim design with a woman's curves so that there is beauty in itself appear to maximum...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A tinta não "pegou"

Olá Amigos!Hoje tive um probleminha em um de meus trabalho com uma cliente.Pela primeira vez neste período de 4 anos na área como tatuador, encontrei essa cliente que de certa forma me deu dor de cabeça, pois fiz uma tattoo de 7cm X 9cm (uma carpa), contornei o desenho sem problemas....

Doug's Dragon

Back on July 13, I posted a photo of Doug's Geisha. Doug was waiting around the Penn Station area before heading down to see Horisei, at tattoo artist working out of Rising Dragon's Chelsea Tattoo Company.Doug followed up his moment in the Tattoosday light by sending us photos...

Wedding Dress with Modern Beach Theme

Wedding Dress with Modern Beach ThemeThere may never have an idea to the theme of your wedding which was held at a beach. It is a great idea and interesting for you to test, but you squeeze confused about how to create or select a design right wedding dress with shades of beautiful...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Matheus Falcão, Dragão na Costela, 176

¨Bom me chamo matheus e estou enviando fotos da minha tattoo porque foi a primeira que fiz e a maior também.Um dia estava vendo uma revista de tattoo e na hora em que eu bati o olho nessa eu me apaixonei. Juntei uma grana e resolvi fazer. Fiz em duas sessões, uma para contornar...

Victoria Beckham Tattoos

Lets have a look at the fabulous and very meaningful tattoos of English singer, dancer, model, designer and author, Victoria Beckham, perhaps best known for being Posh Spice, of the Spice Girls group.Victoria has five bright shining stars on her lower back which represent her,...

Mike Shares Some More Ink

Back in May, I met a guy named Mike outside of Penn Station and he shared this tattoo with us.Occasionally, contributors who I have met on the street will send me a follow-up of additional tattoos that I didn't photograph the first time I met them. Mike was generous enough with...