Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Krista Ranillo


Zizo Stolasky, Tuareg Tattoo Shop

Olá! Meu nome é Zizo Stolasky. Tenho um studio de Tatuagem em Boituva chamado Tuareg Tattoo Shop.Encontrei o site de vocês na Internet e achei legal, parabéns pelo trabalho. Estou enviando algumas fotos dos meus trabalhos. Obrigado pela oportunidadeZizoTuareg Tattoo Shop Endereço:...

A Word of Thanks.....

With the onset of Fall, I compose this note as the month of September is coming to an end.I look around sadly at the long pants, long sleeves, and covered frames that, just a few weeks ago, were so much more interesting to behold.I am filled with sadness.The past month has been...

Rafael Nigris, Tattooarte

Olá.Me chamo Rafael Nigris, tenho 26 anos e sou tatuador. Me chamam de Rafiusk aqui em minha cidade. Moro em Rio das Ostras - RJ e tenho um estúdio no centro da cidade chamado TATTOOARTE, trabalho com meu sócio que também é tatuador. Estou nessa marivilhosa arte há 4 anos e...

Little Dead Riding Hood

I met Amy in Penn Station earlier this month and she agreed to share this, one of her eight tattoos:Actually, she has since e-mailed me about her ninth, and I am waiting for a photo.This tattoo represents an undead version of Little Red Riding Hood, which is Amy's favorite fairy...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Britney Spears Tattoos

Britney Spears certainly has her fair share of tattoos scattered around her body, most of which are quite small in size.She has a fairy on her lower back, a cross on the inner hip area and a pair of lips tattooed on her wrist, to name a few.The tattoo on Britney Spears' neck...

Zack's Spectacular Foot Tattoos

I met Zack earlier this month as he was walking north on Broadway. But, like many Tattoosday encounters, the ink I spotted (on his leg) was not what ended up here on the blog.Behold, Zack's feet:These incredible foot tattoos were created by Beef Stu at Bleed Blue Tattoo in Lexington,...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Stephanie's חַי

It was a string of elephants marching above Stephanie's right ankle that first made me stop and talk to her, but she offered up this, her first tattoo, as well:She started with the Chai at the top of her left breast. At the time, Stephanie was dating a guy who was covered in...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Raphael Malveira, Alex Kidd, 169

"Olá!Sempre visito o site e gostaria que postasse minha tattoo, eternizando um dos melhores jogos de 8 bits da década de 80... Alex Kidd!Estou já fazendo meu desenho para fechar o braço com Caverna do Dragão.Agradeço a atenção."Raphael&nb...

Milton Sartorelli, Evolution Tattoo Studio

Meu nome é Milton Sartorelli, tatuo há uns 22 anos, tenho meu estúdio de tatuagem há 10 anos de nome Evolution Tattoo Studio. Gosto de todos os estilos de tatuagens, de preferência orientais e preto e branco.Evolution Tattoo StudioEndereço: Rua Fernando Costa, N º 36, centro,...