Sunday, May 31, 2009

In India, Marriage Online is Legal

Lucknow, India, Islamic theology is a school of conservative influence in India, Deoband, on Thursday (12/7/2007) yesterday said that the Muslim wedding online via webcam on the internet is legal and acceptable.

DetikINET quoted from Reuters, Friday (13/7/2007), the effect of school for the Muslims in India is known as the gender policy is that hard. Early July, they issued a fatwa prohibiting Muslim school girls in public schools along with the men.

Decision melegalkan wedding online is taken in a Fatwa Department of Darul Uloom Deoband in Uttar Pradesh state after the occurrence of two rare cases of Muslim marriage over the internet in the capital of the state, Lucknow. One wedding events were presented to the Deoband school to ask for their approval.

"In this case there have been experts in law consent to guide couples in Kabul," said leading scholars of Deoband, Khalid Safiullah Rehmani.

The case has raised a variety of discussion and debate since first going online wedding in Lucknow in 2005.

Rehmani said that both men and women candidates in the marriage through the Internet each have two witnesses must be based on Islamic law.

Marriage Path Online

At the wedding online in 2005, the bride shabnam woman sitting in front of a Webcam. To the male candidates - Abdul Kalam - who is in Mecca, the bride shabnam women say 'I want to'.

At least 40 family members of women pack a cafe to watch the wedding, followed by a celebration and feast in their houses.

In the holy city of Mecca itself, Kalam have a friend as a witness the wedding online.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Significado das flores, Violeta, Papoula, Anêmona, Margarida e Cravo

As diferentes formas, cores e cheiros das flores originaram muitas associações e mitos. Inocência, doçura, serenidade e cura são representações comuns das flores.

A Violeta tem um certo destaque na mitologia grega e durante as épocas medievais significavam a fidelidade no amor, casta e humilde. Entretanto, na antiga Roma a violeta era usada em funeráis, e ainda hoje, sua cor púrpura significa lamentos.

A Papoula e a Anêmona estão relacionadas ao sono e a morte. Durante duas guerras eram símbolos dos soldados caídos nos campos de batalha. No mito de Afrodite, a Anêmona foi gerada a partir das lágrimas de lamentação de Afrodite pela morte de Adônis. Na idade média a Anêmona simbolizava também a proteção contra mal. Acredita-se que as fadas repousam entre as pétalas da Anêmona. Já a Papoula simboliza o sono.

A Margarida exala uma natural simplicidade. A flor é o símbolo da inocência e tem também conotação de amor perpetuo. Entretanto, acredita-se que a flor pode trazer azar se for trazida à casa.

Símbolo da fertilidade e do amor, o Cravo-Branco é sempre presente nos casamentos. O Cravo-Vermelho representa um coração ferido e o Cravo-Amarelo é empregado nos momentos de rejeições.

Significado das Borboletas

As borboletas relacionam-se a alma e anunciam momentos felizes. Já as mariposas podem significar momentos de tristeza, entretanto as duas relacionam-se à alma.

Para os gregos e egípcios, a alma que deixa o corpo, tem o formato de uma borboleta. Borboleta e espírito significam em Grego psique, que tem como sua representanção uma criança com asas de borboleta.

Os astecas consideravam as borboletas como o "sopro vital" espelido pela boca do falecido, também liga-se a divindade Itzpapalotl, resultado do cruzamento entre uma borboleta e uma mulher. Tal simbologia é relacionada à metamorfose da borboleta e representa a saída do túmulo, ou casulo, para o renascer.

Muitos orientais também crêem na ligação do ciclo vital das borboletas com a passagem do mundo dos mortos para o mundo dos vivos. Em terras japonesas as borboletas são consideradas espíritos “viajantes“ que anunciam visitas de parentes ou mortes. Entretanto, se encontrar duas borboletas juntas, fique feliz, pois representa felicidade no casamento.

Os vietnamitas acreditam que as borboletas são a expressão da vida longa.

Com vários significados diferentes as borboletas, sobretudo as coloridas, estão entre as tatuagens femininas mais procuradas nos estúdios de tatuagem. Se você está a procura da borboleta ideal para sua tatuagen, veja a pesquisa por borboletas do site Olhares, são centenas de fotos de borboletas com ótima qualidade fotográfica.

O Dragão na cultura oriental

O Dragão é presente em diversos sutras, livros sagrados da religião Budista. O animal mítico aparece no nome de um mestre indiano, Nagarjuna. Nos sânscrito Naga significa Dragão. Esta cultura foi absorvida pela China, onde Naga representa uma pessoa dotada de energia e muitas qualidades.

O Dragão, ou Naga guarda o Dharma, ou Darma, a base das práticas, filosofias e crenças indianas. Nas manhãs são cantados Sutras, registros dos ensinamentos orais de Buda Gautama, em oferenda à oito Reis-Dragões. Na cultura indiana o Dragão também representa a transformação. O Portal do Dragão é um bom exemplo, pois simboliza a entrada de um Monge Budista para um mosteiro.

No oceano ou grandes rios estão escondidos os Dragões-Azuis e os Dragões-Pretos. A missão destes Dragões é guardar preciosas pérolas ainda não manifestadas, guardadas fielmente entre as suas mandíbulas.

Já o Dragão-Voador encontrou o exato momento da iluminação e após muito praticar foi-lhe permitido aparecer para a humanidade. Este Dragão simboliza a realização.

Os Dragões muitas vezes são representados com chamas e nuvens que os guiam até os céus. As nuvens representam as dificuldades, conflitos e problemas que surgem durante a vida, mas que gera grande força necessárias à um legítimo Monge Budista. O nome Dragão-do-Céu é atribuído à muitos templos.

Se você gostou desta publicação, confira também Os Mistérios dos Dragões.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Pin-ups de Quelita

Priscilla de Carvalho passou aqui pelo blog para convidar-nos a sua exposição "Pin-ups de Quelita". A paranaense expôs suas obras em 2008 no SESC Paraná e agora expõe na Livraria Porto do Shopping Catuaí, Paraná. Suas obras serão exibidas de 25/05 à 08/06 das 10:00 às 22:00hs. Os interessados nas obras de Priscilla de Carvalho devem entrar em contato pelo telefone (43)9984-2456.

Para conhecer algumas Pin-ups de Priscilla visite o site:

Curso on-line de Esterilização, Limpeza e Desinfecção de Artigos

Abertas as inscrições para o Curso Básico de Esterilização, Limpeza e Desinfecção de Artigos Médico-Hospitalares da NÓS - Negócios, Oportunidades e Serviços.

Curso on-line com 60 dias de duração e carga horária de 40hs. Cinquenta e cinco capítulos dividos em onze módulos compoem o curso que oferece material de apoio e links para consultas. O curso dispõe ainda de fórum com acesso aos professores, avaliações e certificação do IBTF (Instituto Brasileiro de Educação e Tecnologia de Formação a Distância).

Promoção válida até o dia 18/06/09, investimento total R$48,30.

Visite o site do curso para conhecer o conteúdo programático, instrutora e demais informações pertinentes.

Coordenação Projeto TSPV
Telefone: 11-4612-9448 / 4612-0410

1ª Balneario Camboriú Needles Fest

1º Balneario Camboriu Needles Fest

A Balneario Camboriú Needles Fest será a 1ª Convenção Internacional de Tattoo e Piercing de Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina. O evento foi idealizado por: Piercer Snoopy do estúdio Polaco Tattoo, André Tenório do estúdo Fine Arts e Dirceu do estúdio Dermografite. A idéia é fazer um evento onde não serão julgados os trabalhos dos tatuadores. Esta é uma mobilização mundial para o resgate da Cultura da Tatuagem e da Body Art em geral.

A convenção se realizará no Sibara Flat, um hotel conjugado a um ótimo centro de convenções, facilitando assim, o acesso dos expositores à Balneario Camboriú Needles. Será realizada também uma inesquecível festa para os expositores em uma embarcação pirata típica.

Abaixo imagens do hotel, mapa dos estandes, tatuadores confirmados, data, local, contatos e apoios.

Tatuadores confirmados

Black Bad Trip Tattoo - Argentina, Coreta Tattoo - Argentina, Cebolas Tattoo, Conrado Tattoo, Cruel, Daniel Novais, Diogo Quadrados, Dorme Tattoo, Du Andrade, Galo Tattoo, Gilmar Rodrigues, Jander Tattoo, Julio Dark Vision, Junas Tattoo, Leandro Tattoo, Mauricio Teodoro, Néias Tattoo, Nori Tattoo - Japão, Rafinha Tattoo, Ramsés Tattoo, Ratinho Tattoo, Rattoo, Ricardo Tattoo, Ray Tattoo, Scott Tattoo, Snoopy Tattoo e Thiago Tattoo.

11, 12 e 13 de Dezembro de 2009

Sibara Flat, Hotel e Convenções
Av.: Brasil, nº 1500

E-mail: /
Telefones: (47) 3366-5936, 3366-5936, 9102-9599
Site oficial:

Polaco Tattoo Shop, Tattoo Care, Brazilian Steel, SETAP, Iron Works Brasil, Jawi e RTI.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Significado das fadas na mitologia e tatuagens

Conhecidas como as fêmeas dos elfos, as fadas são seres míticos da cultura Celta. Retratada como uma pessoa pequena dotada de magias a fada personifica os desejos humanos. As fadas são escolhidas muitas vezes como tatuagem, simbolizando a juventude inocente ou apresentando ao mundo a criança que existe em cada um de nós.

Oriunda de fata, ou destino em Latin a palavra fada liga-se com frequência ao destino imprevisível e por isto, muitas vezes as fadas são usadas como um amuleto que mantém nosso presente equilibrado, banindo os inconvenientes de nossas vidas.

As fadas são divididas em Fadas dos Temporais e Sílfides, ou Fadas das Nuvens. São relacionadas ao elemento Ar, as Sílfides são muito inteligentes e direcionam luzes às plantas, gostam de pessoas e animais, e muitas vezes agem como guias ou protetoras destas pessoas. Dotadas de muita energia, as Fadas das Tempestades estão presentes nos picos das grandes montanhas e florestas, muitas vezes são vistas em grupos e só vão até a superfície a floresta quando há ventania.

A popularidade das fadas é tamanha que muitas vezes designa o nome de Conto de Fadas a qualquer história com muitos simbolismos e magias. Com seu ar inocente, dotada de magias e cercada de mistérios as fadas estão entres os seres míticos preferidos pelas crianças e muitas vezes tatuadas por mulheres em busca de temas femininos em suas tatuagens.

Para conhecer um pouco mais a cerca das Fadas antes de tatuar-se, confira os três links abaixo.
Site da Disney com informações sobre a fada Tinker Bell (Sininho) e suas amigas Mary, Silvermist, Rosetta, Iridessa, Fawn e Rainha Clarion.
Sáiba um pouco mais sobre os hábitos, alimentação, vestimentas e conheça as fadas Dília e Fada Morgana.
O site relata o caso de Frances Griffiths, uma garotinha de 10 anos nascida na inglaterra que em 1917 havia supostamente sido fotografada junto a quatro fadas por sua irmã Elsie Wright.
Se quer aventurar-se nos desenhos de fadas e talvez até desenhar a fada que será tatuada por você, não deixe de visitar o site Dragoart, neste link encontram-se cinco tutoriais com o passo-a-passo da criação de belas fadas.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Série de desenhos para tattoos, Luciano Hilario

Meu nome é Luciano Hilario, moro em Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro, faço séries para estúdios de tattoos e caricaturas. Trabalho também com retratos realistas!

Amo a arte da tattoo.

Luciano Hilário
E-mails: ou

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Bárbara do Lago, Tattoo de Borboleta, Escrita e Realista

Na segunda participação de Bárbara do Lago, a tatuadora enviou ao blog fotos de uma tatuagem realista, uma homenagem à Paranhos e uma borboleta.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Difference between Spring and Winter Wedding Invitations

Contemporary wedding etiquette allows you to create wedding invitations that reflect whatever you want about your wedding style. The formality of the event, your wedding colors, your personal style and more should all be taken into consideration. You can choose wedding invitations that are elegant, traditional, whimsical or trendy. Your wedding invitations can reflect the theme of your wedding in motifs, borders, colors and embellishments. When you are choosing wedding invitations for your big day, one thing you may not consider is the significance of the season in which your wedding will be held.

Is there actually such a thing as spring wedding invitations or winter wedding invitations? While most wedding invitation printers and online wedding sites do not necessarily differentiate their wedding invitations by seasons, there are definite differences between wedding invitation styles that are popular in the spring and those that are appropriate for a winter wedding.

If you are ordering invitations for a winter wedding, you might look for some of the following details:

Winter motifs

Motifs are small images and figures that appear at different places on your wedding invitation. Some popular winter wedding invitation motifs include falling snowflakes and snow-covered pines. If you are in a whimsical mood, you might choose a wedding invitation topped with a bride and groom snowman, or a holly leaf or sprig of mistletoe for the Christmas season.

Winter Colors

Silver and gold are always popular in winter wedding invitations. Touches of silver printing on snowflake borders are an elegant way to express a wintertime theme. Other winter colors are Christmas colors. If your wedding takes place around the winter holidays, you might choose invitations with rich, red envelope liners and touches of red printing. Deep forest green satin ribbons are another wintry touch that you can subtly add to your wintertime wedding invitations.

Holiday photos

Photo invitations give you another way to include something seasonal in your wedding invitations. Choose a beautiful, snowy forest scene as the backdrop for your wedding invitations, or a bough of pine and a red ribbon to express the season.

Seasonal Embellishments Colors are rich with symbolism and meaning. Choose flat invitations in white, then embellish with rich garnet satin ribbons and foil envelope liners, or enclose the invitation in a translucent wrap patterned with snowflakes.

If you are buying invitations for a spring wedding, you might consider some of the following elements in your wedding invitations:

Flower motifs

Delicate flower prints on corners or borders are one way to invoke a spring feeling in your wedding invitations. Sprays of bouquets and all over background prints of growing flowers are common springtime motifs for wedding invitations.

Vibrant colors

Bold, splashy prints in vibrant colors sing spring in a loud voice for a contemporary springtime wedding. Bright oranges, turquoise and persimmon are among the hottest colors for springtime weddings. Choose colors for your wedding invitations that coordinate with your wedding colors to get a completely coordinated look for your entire event.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Beautiful Bridal Lingerie

The bridal lingerie is real important to every girl on her big day and it's her once in a lifetime day so she will want it to be special in every way. From the minute she wakes in the morning and slips into your silky bridal stockings right through to her wedding night when she slips into a sexy silky nightdress and robe set.

Therefore exploring the bridal lingerie shops to find that special bridal lingerie or silky satin body to wear under her dream wedding dress is something requiring a little forward planing. Making the wedding night one she will treasure always as well takes time and effort so searching through the online shops for an elegant silk nightdress and matching robe is a must.
Every girl wishes for all the best for the big day and finding that something sexy and romantic can help to make it an extra special night too with some beautiful bridal lingerie. Your big day is important but so is your special wedding night. A night to remember. So dress to please or tease. To be romantic or demure the choice is yours when you shop for your bridal lingerie.

There are some beautiful pure silk satin nightgown and robe sets in a multitude of colors from bright red to virginal white. Imagine how you will feel the morning after your wedding as you slip into your smooth silky robe and breakfast in your room.
You are sure to find that certain special something in the bridal lingerie shops to make your honeymoon special too. Whether it's some romantic and elegant wedding night bridal lingerie or a gorgeous nightdress and negligee set. It's your big day (and night) so make it extra special.

Sexy bridal lingerie or a sumptuous nightdress will also makes the ideal romantic gift for that special anniversary or birthday. But then why wait when you can make that romantic gesture anytime. Think how alluring and sexy your lover will look in such a sexy piece of figure hugging silky satin as bridal lingerie. You don't need to be a blushing bride to enjoy wearing something soft and silky you can treat yourself to something special anytime you like. Why not slip something feminine and lacy on under your favorite dress then take your partner out for a romantic dinner. Better still stay home for an intimate candle light supper and let them know what you are wearing under your clothes but don't blame me if the dinner goes to waste.

With the huge growth in online shopping buying your bridal lingerie online is easy and secure. It's always a good idea to order your choice well in advance then you will have ample time to exchange it if you decide on something different. Most of the online lingerie stores offer excellent returns facilities so you should have no problems exchanging your goods with them. Size is also no longer an issue with lots of pretty and feminine lingerie available for the curvy lady too. Enjoy your day and be happy.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pandora Buying Decisions

There are many different decisions people are faced with every day but purchasing Pandora doesn’t need to be one of them.

People are faced with decision every day. Many of these decisions are normally made at work because people spend most of their lives at work. These types of decisions are usually very rational decisions – for example someone may prioritise their workload so that the important things get done first. Decisions also need to be made outside of work. These decisions tend to be less rational, and depending on where people are and who they are with, they can be very irrational.

One decision people have to make is what they can buy. This is a very important decision as purchasing an item can help people express themselves in different ways. There are many choices available to consumers as retailers try to attract as many people as possible. Some people like to buy the latest gadgetry and electrical equipment such as the new slim and lite PSP and brand new high definition televisions whilst others like to purchase top jewellery brands such as Pandora and Leo Diamond.

Purchasing electrical equipment can certainly help people relax, but since people spend most of their time at work and outside the house, it makes sense to buy something they can see all the time. Buying Pandora enables people to do this as they can wear Pandora on their arm mainly, and also around their neck. This means that people can constantly walk around in their day to day lives and show off their Pandora jewellery.

Pandora is also very fashionable and wearing Pandora can certainly make people feel better about themselves. This is especially important when people find themselves in situations where they lack confidence, for example at work. Pandora is so lovely to look at that observers may well comment on the Pandora jewellery they see and make a positive and kind comment. This can then inspire confidence in the person wearing the Pandora jewellery.

There are many other reasons why people buy Pandora too and again these are all decisions which people have come to. Some people like to customise their own jewellery and therefore Pandora is an obvious choice when buying jewellery as people can pick and choose which Pandora charms they want. Other decisions include price points – the initial bracelet or necklace is a set price, and people can add as many charms as they want at the time or can afford at the time. When people have more money to spend they can then buy more Pandora jewellery.

Pandora is one of the most sought after jewellery brands in the UK and people just love to have it. Buying into the Pandora brand should not be a decision but a way of life. It should be second nature to consumers as Pandora has so many qualities associated with it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tips on Keeping a Wedding Affordable

Let's face it; we can't all have a Beverly Hills style wedding. If the thought of your wedding day makes you cringe at the thought of the bills you will have to pay to afford it, it is time to plan a budget. Yup, that B word.
That doesn't mean we can't have fun with what we have. You too can have a beautiful wedding on a budget. It just takes a bit of extra planning and knowing where to go.

Budgeting On The Small Things - To Spend More On The Important Things

The trick to planning a wedding is to be realistic as well as knowing what is important. Do you really need to have expensive roses at every turn? Do you need for your wedding party plates to be porcelain and gold? Realize that the more you can save on certain aspects, the little bit more you could spend on the things that matter to you most, like the wedding dress.

Start with knowing how much you would like to spend, and be realistic. Here's a list at the necessary expenses you can expect from a wedding:

Ceremony site

Reception site


Wedding cake

Bride's dress

Groom's tuxedo

Bride's maids' dresses



Tables and other equipment rentals




Wedding favors


Thank you cards (for after the wedding)

You might notice that really, it can be a very simple list when you put it all together and know what you will need. You can go through the list one by one. Note what will be most important to you and where you would be willing to budget. There are tricks to getting the wedding you want, and spending what you want. You don't need a wedding consultant or a high priced caterer to help. In fact, you'll save money if you can do it yourself.

Locations For Your Wedding On A Budget

It all starts with where the wedding will take place. It could be something as simple as a park and gardens. Imagine you might have to decorate less if you pick a location that is already beautiful.

If it will be a church, perhaps see if the church might already be decorated itself. Many churches do not need much decorating additions at all; some already have flowers already in place. If many weddings happen at a particular location, see if you can conspire with another bride and split the cost on flowers and decorations at the place, by having your wedding a little later in the afternoon on the same day.

The location itself doesn't have to be expensive. This is especially true if you call ahead and plan early. The earlier you pick a location, the easier it is to get what you want and at a good price. Remember, a weekday wedding might actually be more affordable than a weekend wedding.

Wedding Cake and Food

Let's start with the cake. There are now tricks that many bakeries are doing to be able to help you get a nice cake without spending a lot. One of the newer tricks is to make a 'fake' cake. The cake has only certain parts that are real cake, like a certain corner of the cake where the bride and groom will cut into, and the top part for saving.

After the cake is cut into, it can be carted off, or it can remain on the table as a decoration only. Pan style cakes are then passed to guests. You could even have mini-cakes created for each guests, which is still cheaper. In the end, it is more affordable to do it this way. Ask a baker about making a 'fake' cake for a tight budget.

For the food, a buffet style wedding is highly recommended by most. It relieves the problem of having to ask, "Chicken or vegetarian?" Imagine all those lost cards and the occasional surprise guests? Buffet style is certainly the way to go.

Plus, if you still want to skimp on the caterer, you can ask the cooks in the family to conspire with you and help out. What could be better to share with friends and family than the favorite dishes you grew up loving? It is a great way to share some memories with all.

Wedding Gowns and Tuxedos

There is so much to consider here. It is an important part of your wedding, though you will only wear a wedding gown once. If you think it will be an important memento that you will want to keep for a while, the best part is to plan ahead and shop early. Perhaps if you consider it a little more, you might think of borrowing a wedding dress, or reselling the dress after on consignment.

Consignment shops are great locations to get designer wedding dresses that are still in like new condition. You'll save so much money and you'll still get a dress, and you might find a wider selection in one or two locations. Don't forget about bride's maids' dresses. Check those same locations for ideas.
Tuxedos are a bit easier to deal with, but what you want to remember is to call in as early as possible. Get all the men fitted and make sure the tuxes arrive at least a day early, so you can make any needed changes if there are problems. You'll save time and frustration by doing it early.

Wedding Invitations, Flowers, and Favors

Other places you can save are in the small things. Buying flowers that are in season can be more affordable. Favors can be bought in bulk online at a variety of stores. Again, shopping around and planning ahead can help.

Wedding invitations are probably a place where you will want to save money by planning early. One of the very first things to think about is what to say and how many invitations you need. You can shop online for wedding invitations and you might find them cheaper online. You can get a copy of an invitation before they are printed off, so you can make any needed corrections before they are sent off.

Music, Decorations and Wedding Photography

Music for during the wedding and at the reception can be selected before hand and made to play on speakers. Ask a music and tech savvy relative to help with burning disks of music and setting up the system. You'll save money on a DJ.

Decorations can be easily bought online. There are many you can buy in bulk and you can purchase ahead of the event, especially to ensure you have enough. Centerpieces can be as simple as a glass vase with candles or a bowl with fancy candies inside.

The photography can be easily worked with. Digital cameras have a very good quality and are relatively cheap. You can give some to photo savvy relatives who can be in charge of taking photographs at the wedding and after. If you want to ensure professional quality, hire a photographer for the wedding only, and select how many shots you want ahead of time.

So you too can take steps to ensure you will have a beautiful wedding, even if you have a limited budget. Take it easy on certain elements to spend more on things that matter. Keep it simple, and keep it fun.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Wedding Photographer

Photojournalism, which is the collection, editing and presenting of news for publication or broadcast, has become an approach to documenting the wedding adopted by many top wedding photographers in recent years. The photo album almost becomes a documentary. Pictures can be a combination of color and black an white, which gives added interest. The Wedding Photojournalist doesn't just take pictures, they create memories. Many of the photos on a couples wedding day can't retaken. Like the ceremony; when it's over, it's over. Or, when he lifts her veil and they kiss for the first time as husband and wife, you want a wedding professional, who has the right equipment, looking through that lens.

When selecting your wedding photojournalist, the business details such as the contract, album design, number of proofs, schedule, and price are all necessary details that need to be discussed and agreed upon. But the saying, "You Get What You Pay For", certainly applies when shopping for a creative wedding photojournalist. If the price is right, but the pictures aren't, the savings surely won't be worth it. A professional will have professional equipment in quality camera bags.

First, you need to be on the same page in regards to what you're expecting to receive at the end of the day. If there are specific pictures that you want taken, make sure you let your photojournalist know in advance. Don't assume that they'll automatically know. You don't, however, want to over control your photographer. The most memorable shots will be those natural, undirected moments.

If you look at wedding albums of your parents or grandparents, they're pretty much the same. Bride and groom; bride and groom with bride's parents; bride and groom with groom's parents; bride and groom with both sets of parents; bride and groom hands displaying rings; and so on. Couples are now looking for something different. They want their photographs to express who they are and what the day was really about. With maybe a few posed shots thrown in here and there. It takes a skilled creative professional to document your wedding successfully in this style. Capturing the REAL moments of the day, not just what you looked like. Don't trust your treasured memories to an uncle with a camera; trust them to that professional with the camera bag full of high-end camera equipment and accessories that will produce that beautiful, one-of-kind wedding album.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Choosing A Wedding Cakes

When a wedding reception is coming to an end, it is tradition that the cake is cut. A wedding cake is the signature of a wedding and no wedding ceremony can ever be complete without a cake. The sweet nature of cake just shows you how marriage is supposed to be like. It is an adventure which should be traveled in a gentle way adding sweet thoughts and feelings as brought out by the cake. The cake is symbolic to many other things and, no matter the size; a good cake will always speak for itself. Before you have a cake to cut in the first place, it is vital for you to know the kinds of arrangements you should take to see that you have a good wedding cake. First, visit a local cake shop and just look at the variety. Without putting too much thought on it, just look at the way the cakes are displayed and look at how they marvel you. When looking for cake, you cannot think too much, your eyes will tell you all you need to know. There are different varieties of cake and how it is displayed and styled.

A wedding cake will be on display at the reception and, the key word is to look for a cake that will make people salivate. Before you choose the kind of cake to go with, it is vital for you to sample the cakes. You will seek to find out what the ingredients are and how they are made. If you have particular flavors in mind, this is the time to look for them. You want your cake to appeal to all your guests. Therefore, choose the flavors that are commonly likable to as many people as possible. There are cakes which will have some additions of nuts to them. If you know that most people are alright with the certain kinds of nuts, you can use the cake. However, if you feel that some people might be allergic, you can choose one that has no nuts. Your local cake store will be the source of your information as you seek to find a suitable wedding cake. You can also go online for inspiration and you are surely not going to be disappointed.

Decorations on a wedding cake will always carry the day. There are cakes that include a particular theme on them. Many will have the bride and groom figures on them. The size or quantity of cake will also matter. If you have many guests, you will seek to have a large cake. In many ceremonies, cake should be enough for everyone and you do not have to cut the budget on it. Colors play a major role when it comes to cake. Your theme colors can be used for the cake. It is hard to find a cake that is not attractive but, you need to choose something you really like. Once you have baked or purchased it, you have to store it as stipulated to make it perfect. When it comes to cutting it, the bride and groom will share slices of cake to symbolize their sweet union. The bride’s maids will then feed guests cake and, as you indulge in the pleasures of cake, you will not forget the lovely occasion.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Choosing Wedding Themes

The one day in a woman’s life that means everything to her is her dream wedding. Every bride wants her wedding to be the most beautiful and precious day of her life. That means getting everything right and the way she wants it. Planning a wedding can be a very big weight to carry but as time goes on you start getting everything ready. The first thing to do is think of what kind of wedding theme you want for your wedding. Having a theme can make your whole wedding come together.

Many weddings you see are more traditional and romantic themed weddings. This can consist of the flowing white wedding dress, roses, candles, and romantic music. This is one of the most common wedding themes around. One of the reasons this is the most popular is because of it being romantic. Romance is something every woman loves.

There are also beach style weddings. This can be one of two ways. You can a romantic beach theme wedding or you can have the more fun and outgoing beach theme wedding. If you are more of the romantic beach theme person then a very common thing is the horseback ride. This can be very romantic on the beach of your wedding. Now if you are more of the fun loving party beach theme then you are looking for more upbeat music and wild beach fun foods.

You can also theme your wedding around the seasons. Whatever season you are getting married in can also be the theme of your wedding. Fit your colors of your wedding by the colors of the season. This can give your wedding a beautiful seasonal look. If you are getting married in spring or summer then you will want to look at the kinds of flowers that grow in them seasons. Therefore, you might be looking at some pinks, yellows, and reds. Now if you are more into the fall then you might want to look into reds, orange, and maybe a light brown. Winter of course is more of the white snow look. You can also add in some red to make it look more of the winter season.

Wedding themes can also be planned around your ethnic background. This can be a fun way to show your ethnic background and also enjoy a beautiful wedding. For example if you are Italian than you might want to look into the colors of it. In addition, you can plan your food for the wedding reception around Italian food.

Wedding themes can range from anything you imagine. Wedding themes can help you plan your wedding a lot easier and faster. It is simpler to have a theme and plan around that. So now it is the time to sit down with your husband to be and pick out that perfect wedding theme for your perfect wedding day. Make sure to pick out one you both agree on or if you both find one you like try combining the two themes to come up with something new and exciting.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rodrigo Carvalho, Desenhos Realistas

Olá pessoal.
Me chamo Rodrigo Carvalho, sou mais conhecido como Chacra! Tenho 28 anos e moro em Salvador-BA. Sou formado em Administração de Empresas por força das circunstâncias, pois tive que abandonar a Faculdade Federal de Belas Artes há 8 anos atrás para começar a correr atrás de grana! Me tornei analista financeiro e consultor de empresas nesse tempo. Fazia porque precisava, mas no fundo odiava ser escravo do sistema!

Eu sempre me perguntava: Será mesmo que vale a pena abrirmos mão dos nossos sonhos para nos tornarmos aquilo que a sociade acha que é certo para nós? Não durou muito e resolvi jogar tudo pelos ares! Aí eu gritei "Vou ser Tatuador". Muita gente até hoje não entende a minha escolha. A família e alguns amigos sempre retrucam: Um futuro promissor numa multi-nacional e largou tudo para ser desenhista e tatuador? Mas a verdade é que muita gente não sabe o quanto eu me senti melhor depois de ter tomado essa atitude. Eu só quero ser reconhecido pelas coisas que eu gosto de fazer. Não quero me preocupar com que as pessoas pensem ou deixem de pensar ao meu respeito. Eu resolvi ser feliz.

Estou aprimorando as técnicas com um grande amigo, Miguel Tattoo. Seu studio fica nas adjacências do bairro do cabula. O cara é mesmo fera! Penso que até o fim do ano estarei com o meu studio montado. Começarei a desenvolver o meu trabalho da forma que eu sempre sonhei! Quero ser reconhecido pela minha arte, pelo meu traço, pelos meus valores. Quero mostrar para o mundo o quanto é importante sermos nós mesmos e acreditar nos nossos sonhos. O começo pode parecer desmotivador, mas depois tudo se encaixa harmonicamente!

Agradeço desde já a galera do "A Tattoo" pelo espaço e pela oportunidade de podermos mostrar o nosso talento! Valeu a todos os internautas e "que a força esteja com todos vocês" hoje e sempre!!!

Rodrigo Carvalho
Tattoo and Art's

Monday, May 11, 2009

Por Bárbara, Os primeiros "tocos"

Os primeiros "tocos"

Eu me chamo Bárbara Sylvia, tenho vinte e poucos anos – os detalhes da idade eu considero desnecessários – e estou a mais ou menos, 7 meses tentando ingressar na profissão de tatuadora por influência de meu irmão, minha cunhada e outros tatuadores que me incentivaram. Já comecei a fazer alguns “riscos” e ainda divido o meu tempo entre um trabalho de carteira assinada em uma recepção de um albergue pra lá de estressante e divertido em Copacabana, uma faculdade que já não me motiva tanto quanto antes para eu poder tatuar. Não fiz muitos trabalhos ainda, mas, o pouco que já fiz deu pra sentir o que é a vida de um tatuador. Como todo bom iniciante, fico empolgadíssima com os trabalhos que faço. Essa empolgação se dá antes, durante e depois, e eu adoro mais ainda quando os meus amigos e conhecidos falam: "Caramba, ficou muito bom, eu quero uma também!" ou " Você pode fazer a minha quando?” Ai ferrou. Me sinto um pavão. Afinal, existem vários artistas muitos bons e experientes que eles podem recorrer para fazer uma boa tattoo. Ai ferrou. Um pavão querendo ser um polvo para poder conseguir tatuar dois ao mesmo tempo já que o meu tempo é escasso. Mas me conformo com minhas limitações de ser humano destro e mexo e remexo nos meus horários para coincidir com os das pessoas e finalmente marco o trabalho. "Porra que máximo! Vou tatuar dois essa semana. Um na quinta e outro no sábado." Espalho a notícia, afinal tenho que mostrar que eu realmente estou me dedicando a isso. E além do mais, gosto de ter trabalho pra fazer. Daí desmarcando e remarcando os meus compromissos para dar tudo certo com as tattoos, recebo a 1ª notícia pelo orkut: "Aborta a missão irmã, não vou poder no sábado. Depois explico." Meu corpo broxou. Mas tudo bem, bola pra frente. Tenho ainda mais uma pessoa para tatuar no dia seguinte.

Dia seguinte, fico o dia todo tentando ligar para a pessoa na tentativa de CONFIRMAR a tattoo. Não queria mais uma missão abortada, senão eu iria ter um aborto. E olha que eu nem to grávida. Tento ligar o dia todo do meu trabalho. Não consigo. Saio do trabalho batida pro estúdio. Quando chego lá, continuo tentando ligar, e nada. Surge a primeira pergunta: "E ai Bárbara, vai tatuar hoje?" "É estava marcado, estou tentando confirmar." E nada de eu conseguir confirmar. Tento matar o tempo pintando um desenho que tinha feito. Até que percebi que eu realmente não iria tatuar naquele dia.

Como todas as mulheres, ou pelo menos a maioria que "tomam um toco", desejei boa noite a todos, comprei quatro barras de chocolates e fui comendo pelo caminho de volta pra casa.

E foi assim que aconteceu comigo. Os primeiros "tocos" no mundo da tattoo que só fizeram almentar a minha vontade de tatuar.

Agora é esperar a próxima!

Bárbara Sylvia - Mega Wartz

Bárbara Sylvia -
Mega Wartz Tattoo - R. Joaquim Silva, 24 Lapa / R. do Riachuelo, 224, B. de Fátima / (21) 2509-4401 e 2221-9656

Por Bárbara

É com grande alegria que apresentamos Bárbara Sylvia, leitora há alguns meses que a partir de agora entra para o time do blog A Tattoo.

Bárbara está em fase de aprendizado na tatuagem e no estúdio carioca Mega Wartz Tattoo aprimora seus conhecimentos com a ajuda de Hélida Yamaguchi (Cunhada), Mineiro e Kaco no Mega Wartz 1, na Lapa, e Sylvio Freitas (irmão) e Derley no Mega Wartz 2, no Bairro de Fátima. Também em fase de aprendizado está o Marcos, colega de Bárbara e aprendiz dos tatuadores citados. Na faculdade Bárbara desenvolve seu trabalho de monografia sobre tatuagem.

E porque a Bárbara decidiu participar do A Tattoo?
Eis a resposta: "Eu gostaria de fazer um pouquinho mais que um trabalho de faculdade (que por sinal está difícil de sair, mas vai sair). Eu gostaria de escrever sobre o que eu estou estudando."

Desejamos muito sucesso em sua carreira e aguardamos ansiosos cada texto. Inicialmente com publicação quinzenal. Desde já deixamos nosso agradecimento e portas abertas às iniciativas como a coluna assinada Por Bárbara.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wallpapper`s Tattoos

Wallpapper`s para os afccionados por tatuagens. Mude o tradicional plano de fundo de sua área de trabalho, por algum dos Wallpapper`s Tattoos relacionados abaixo. É muito simples, siga os passos:

- Escolha uma das imagens abaixo
- Abra e salve em seu computador
- Clique no menu Iniciar
- Clique em Painel de Controle
- Clique em Propriedades de Vídeo
- Clique em Área de Trabalho
- Clique em Procurar
- Selecione a imagem escolhida
- Clique em aplicar